Curated by Angelina Jain

IBDP is confusing and tough and very scary. When we first entered the Diploma Programme, there were many things we simply didn’t understand. To ensure you guys’ experiences are a little bit more pleasant, over the summer, we decided to answer some of grade 11’s questions regarding the IB Diploma Programme. Having survived one year successfully, we hoped to ease some of the worries the grade below us might have.
Q1: I am an average student and I have taken Physics HL, Maths HL, and Comp Sci HL will I be able to cope up with it if I try??? Or it would be hard for me?
A: Well, these subjects are very rigorous! That said, the choice is ultimately dependent on your passion for these subjects. If you really enjoy them and want to pursue them in the future, then by all means, go ahead and take them. I will warn you that scoring will be tough and you will have to work very, very hard. This is not an easy combination and if you doubt that you can manage it, you could always change it up a bit.
And if you still need help, you could always reach out to a senior! There’s one particular individual I have in mind - curly haired, got a 56, you know the type…
Q2: Does CAS really matter?
A: Yep - you’ve got to do 50 hours each that count towards creativity, action and service, but it’s really really easy to finish in Grade 11 if you have any extracurriculars! Doing dance, music, PE, competitions, events, and even the Gazette counts. If you participate in external MUNs independently of the school, that counts too. You could make your evening stroll through the park count if you document it well enough. And if you do end up finishing early, there’s going to be so much less pressure for you in Grade 12. Just make sure you take pictures of everything. It’ll save you time and effort in the long run.
Q3: I heard that the IAs are really annoying to do so how important are they?? Do they matter for final grades and can you fail if you don’t finish them?
A: They’re very important and you will regret not doing them on time. Our seniors told us to finish them early and we’re telling you - but no one ever listens… Even before the pandemic, IAs were very important because they were a guarantee you had regarding your final grade. You could secure 20% of your grade! Now, they’re even more important because we don’t know for certain how the IB will mark us. IAs should also be taken seriously because you fail the diploma if you don’t submit an IA in any subject. Technically, you can still make up a low-grade in the IA through the external examinations but not submitting it is a straight fail :(
Q4: Is it difficult to find enough time to properly study and finish the syllabus?
A: Managing your home life with your school life won’t be easy but you will find that you have to prioritize your schoolwork a bit more as you get further into the year. Grade 12, right now, is very stressful. Putting the current situation aside, the workload is getting to a lot of us. If you play your cards right and work hard in grade 11, you’ll only make your own life easier.
For people that have familial duties like chores, I suggest asking your parents for a little leeway. I find that making a study schedule is the easiest way of dividing your time. It might seem tedious and really unpleasant but it will be helpful. Otherwise, you might just find yourself wondering where all the time went.
Q5: Is History HL fun?
A: I’ve been doing it for a while now and all I can say is… Run.
Just kidding! It is very fun if you actually, passionately, ardently love history. Truth be told, there is a lot of syllabus, the scoring is also tough, and your hands might actually fall off from the amount you’ll have to write, but in the end, it’s a very fascinating subject. You’ll get to cover many regions and learn in great detail. You’ll gain perspective and change the way you think about many well-known world events. Plus, the class size is usually small, giving it a personal vibe that’s hard to match with any other class.