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Self Care = Revitalization


Exams and disquieting feelings go hand in hand as if their ultimate purpose was generate jittery butterflies in our stomachs, sweaty palms, and nervous breakdowns the day before a particularly dreaded paper. Over the years, self-love has become a popular and widely encouraged concept that regards one’s well-being over the surroundings they’re present in. Various forms of self-care could include exercise, taking a break, eating a good meal, practising a hobby you enjoy and so on. Here are a series of ideas that may incentivize you to pause the time you’re spending stressing about your exams with a much deserved break by indulging in some self-love and self-care! 1. Drink at least one glass of water! 2. Grab a quick bite, eat one of your favourite meals to give you the energy needed to power through the exam season 3. Read a few pages from your favourite book 4. Reflect on your day by starting a journal. Penning down everyday thoughts and ideas is surprisingly comforting 5. Disconnect from your surroundings through some calming meditation - - 6. Create a playlist of the songs that make you laugh, smile, reflect and dance away your worries! 7. Exercise to get your blood pumping (links attached) : - - - 8. Listen to a podcast or audiobook 9. Get some fresh air – take a walk outside, sit in your garden or even open your windows! 10. Try delving into new apps that allow you to connect to yourself, take a break, diffuse some of the nervousness, and help you better manage your time: - Coffeelings: Tracks your mood for the day and allows you to speculate the proceedings of your academics - 7mind: Meditation app that also tracks your progress everyday - Zinnia: Online journal - Notion: Helps you manage your classes, organises your work putting the puzzle pieces together With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic this past year, online school has become undeniably stressful and hard to cope with. Nevertheless, there are a series of activities you can do to relax and reboot your brain to function in a more efficient and healthy manner. While there are an array of other things you can do, here are just some that we suggest you try! Written By Baani Mehandru Edited by Ishani Patil Designed by Dhhairya Sharma



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