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I went Vegan for 10 Days


By Kyra Kumar

Recently, vegan diets have become extremely popular amongst not only environmentalists but also health specialists and nutritionists. Personally, I have been brought up in an extremely fitness conscious family that ensures a protein-filled diet, primarily consisting of meat; hence I was initially sceptical about exploring veganism. However, the range of health and environmental benefits won me over, and I decided to experiment with the diet for 10 days.

Over the first three days of the diet, I realised the extent of my restrictions, limiting me to choose between boiled broccoli and seasoned zucchini. I found myself not only craving pepperoni pizza but also the simple pleasures of a morning cup of chai.

However, once I'd done some research on vegan recipes, I started preparing my own meals - including gluten-free cookies, smoothie bowls, salads, zucchini pasta and many other healthier alternatives to our regular food.

At the end of the 10-day procedure, I noticed that I'd been much much more productive and healthy. All my protein intake came from legumes and sprouts, being low fat and full of fibre. I'd also lost approximately 1.5kgs with minimal cardio exercises, and my skin was much clearer.

Most of all, there was a sense of mental satisfaction and gratification for helping the environment and maintaining self control over my food cravings.

Overall, going vegan may be considerably challenging for any non-vegetarian. Meal planning and ensuring your protein and calcium levels are maintained are probably the most crucial aspects of any vegan diet. Through my experience, I feel it makes a person feel much healthier - mentally and physically. In fact, I’m almost reluctant to return to my cheese-filled diet-as delicious as it was.



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