Dear Rajal and Rusheen,
Thank you.
The Pathways Gazette has become a place for us to look at the world from our perspective, to be creative, to have fun with writing, and so much more. It’s the home to our pent-up emotions, a publication that we can share proudly with our friends knowing that it will not only interest them, it will excite them! For many of us, this is the first time we’ve been able to do that with our creative work.
We’re so grateful for the time and effort you spent trying to fit the Gazette perfectly into Pathways life. From coming up with article categories, to figuring out which ones were popular, to restructuring the magazine multiple times you have clearly worked hard to make your publication relevant. You cut through the noise and found work that we can all connect with. We know that this process is unending, but thank you for laying such a strong foundation for us to work with.
Thank you for trusting us to take your work forward and allowing us to experiment with it this semester. Your faith in us, your ability to let go and yet still be helpful, to supervise without micromanaging, and to let us learn for ourselves is such a key element of our bond with the publication. Knowing that we were never pressured to confine to your standards, that our ideas were taken into consideration even from that first edition we worked on in September and that we workshopped constructively has made us so justly devoted to this platform.
We can’t wait to start reading your college publications - we know they’ll be just as great, if not better! You’ll have to start afresh with a (less) talented team once more - but you’ve done it successfully once here already.
With all our hearts, thank you and good luck :)
The Pathways Gazette Staff
Aadhaar Agarwal, Aayush Dayal, Akrit Agarwal, Angelina Jain, Anika Chopra, Anika Sharma, Kyra Kumar, Lavanya Guha, Prarthana Dayal, Raghav Prabhakaran, Sanjana Sethi, Shubhangi Dutta, Varushka Bhushan, Vedika Mandapati and Zobiya Jamal.
